Operating the forklift means using three main movements (that is taught on the course)- it is the movement of raising and bringing down forks, then the movement of tipping the mast of the forklift towards you and the other way round and the movement of shifting the carriage with forklifts aside. In case of some models, you can also control the allocation of forks and the distance between them, which is so called positioning.

The forklift operator's course teaches the appropriate machine operation as well as load operation. The participant can obtain forklift qualifications. One of key elements of the training is learning loading and unloading pallets which is the operator's job.

The appropriate load on the forklift means placing it on the pallet on straight forks- they must be placed parallel to the ground. Next, after placing the load in the suitable position, it is raised at 30 centimetres altitude and meanwhile, it is leaned towards the machine operator using the mast. The next step is approaching the place where the load can be placed, raise the pallet at the given altitude, straightening the mast and lowering forks to move back from below the pallet and in the end, bringing down forks to the given level. The appropriate unload means doing the operation the other way round.

Doing the load and unload, you should remember about rules of the appropriate machine manoeuvring. It is forbidden to move too fast, especially with heavy loads which can cause tipping the truck over and the danger for the operator and their surroundings. Therefore, the forklift course gives you key information on safety issues and industrial safety on the position of the operator.

Every forklift course provides you with information how to load and unload goods appropriately both in theory and practice which is the part of the exam. On this basis, UDT (the Office of Technical Inspection) qualifications are given and they are essential for working on all types of machines.