Forbidden activities while gantry operation

The gantry operator must remember about abiding the rules of operation- not following all requirements increases the risk of accidents at work. Every gantry course involves the theoretical part connected with safety and work hygiene during the machine operation. Among information given, there are also explicitly forbidden activities while operating the gantry. They are:

  • the machine operator can not be a person without appropriate qualifications given by the Office of Technical Inspection
  • you cannot use the machine which is faulty or does not have the binding decision permitting to do the job obtained from UDT (the Office of Technical Inspection) or TDT (the Association of Technical Inspection)
  • you cannot do the job after alcohol abuse and other intoxicating substances or medicines which interferes with the psychophysical efficiency
  • you cannot use dissociable master links or damaged master links
  • you cannot hoist loads whose weight is bigger than the permissible maximum load- it can cause direct life threat or the danger to the operator's and workers' health on the worksite.
  • you cannot hoist loads which are located out of control
  • you cannot pull loads diagonally
  • you cannot hoist loads or objects which are attached to the ground, for example they are screwed, welded or iced in winter
  • you cannot hoist loads directly above the workers' workplaces or above other people being present on the premises of the factory
  • you cannot leave the load on the gripping device without setting it aside
  • you cannot transit or drive over safe connectors with a trolley, a stringing machine or a bridge
  • you cannot use the rope anchorage as an element of hosting loads
  • you cannot use protectors against overloads during weighing loads
  • you cannot carry out maintenance jobs, for example lubrication or cleaning the machine during its work
  • you cannot individually carry out repairing activities or regulating the machine or its elements during work or without appropriate qualifications

Every person who wants to obtain gantry qualifications should know all procedures connected with the machine operation. Without knowing them, the risk of an accident while work is higher.


  • work which involves using gantries can be done only on the basis of current UDT (the Office of Technical Inspection) decision stating if it is permitted to operate it
  • while operating the machine, you should follow the workplace EHS guidance or the manual
  • when the worker notices the damage to the machine, they should immediately finish work and stop the machine as well as let people know who is responsible for its technical condition

If you are interested in obtaining suitable qualifications for operating presented machines, we cordially invite you for the gantry course to our Centre for Staff Training ERGON. Thanks to us, you will get to know all EHS issues and how to operate the machine and you will be able to take an exam at the Office of Technical Inspection.